Handling Information
Cargo Agent
WFS | Phone:+1 650 737 4880 |
944 North Field Rd. | Email:sfoffsk@wfs.aero |
San Francisco International Airport | |
San Francisco, CA 94128 | |
Opening Hours
Customer Service
Monday - Friday 0730–2000
Saturday 0730 – 1800
Sunday 1200 – 1600 for import pickup only
Holiday Closed
Handling Times
Times are defined in minutes
Cargo outbound
Deadline prior to STD | GEN | PAA |
Latest acceptance (CCSF) | 240 | 180 |
Latest acceptance NON CCSF/unknown | 300 | 300 |
Latest acceptance ULD shipper loaded CCSF | 300 | 240 |
Dangerous goods and other specials CCSF | 360 | na |
Dangerous goods and other specials NON CCSF/unknown | 500 | NA |
Cargo inbound
Deadline after ATA | GEN | PAA |
Import - cargo checked-in and notified | 240 | 150 |
Transfer from Flight to Truck into US | 300 | 300 |
Transfer from Truck to Flight (out of US) | 360 | 300 |