The Electronic Air Waybill - how to get started


What is FWB?

FWB (Freight Waybill) is the electronic version of the Master Air Waybill (MAWB) transmitted from the agent to the carrier. The most common format for this transmission is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

IATA Standards

Details of FWB and other EDI communications are defined by IATA and published in the IATA Cargo IMP Manual, available on IATA's website. CargoIMP (Cargo Interchange Message Procedures) supports all processes in freight handling, including:

  • Transfer of air waybill (Master AWB) data
  • Flight manifests
  • Shipment status updates
  • Discrepancies and embargos
  • Customs information
  • CASS billing and settlement
  • Dangerous goods information

Advantages of FWB

Simplified and Efficient Goods Acceptance: Streamlines the acceptance process.
Improved Data Quality: Ensures all important and relevant data is registered and accessible.
Reduced Accounting Irregularities: High-quality FWB data minimizes errors.
Automated Process: Sending an FWB is automatic, adding no extra work pressure.

How to Get Started with e-AWB

Multilateral Agreement

The first step to adopting e-AWB is signing the Multilateral Agreement, which can be found on the IATA website.

FWB Quality Check

After signing the agreement, contact SAS Cargo to conduct an FWB quality check. Once your FWBs meet our standards, we will register you as an approved e-AWB customer.

Activation Notice

SAS Cargo will send an Activation Notice with details on which lanes are open for e-AWB. You can start sending e-AWBs only after receiving this notice.

Important Points for Your FWB

Special Handling Codes: Indicate the type of e-AWB with the following codes:

  • EAP: For shipments requiring accompanying papers.
  • EAW: For paperless shipments.

Sending FWB to SAS Cargo: Always send the FWB to SAS Cargo so we can add the ECC code, indicating to the Ground Handling Agent (GHA) that the shipment is approved for e-AWB. Without the ECC code, a paper AWB is required. Only airlines should add the ECC code.

Timing: Ideally, send the FWB just before transferring the goods to the GHA.

Screening Information: Ensure screening information is included in the FWB or FHL using the OCI field.

By following these steps and guidelines, you can efficiently transition to using e-AWB for your shipments.